Sunday, January 26, 2020

History Of The Client Server Architecture

History Of The Client Server Architecture Hures was using mainframe computer system which was having too many disadvantages and running cost. Because of this reason we decided to propose Client server Architecture which is widely used in the global environment. The client server computing model is used most of the business frame. This technology was integrated with those particular companies. It will provide the multi services and huge storage capacity of data base. These systems also handle the difficult GUI progress tools. Hence client server Architecture having disadvantages too. Client Server mainly depends on the network design. If they dont have the proper network design network traffic would make serious problem in the production environment. Therefore i suggest client server architecture is the best way to make the business development to the particular Hures Company. I. INTRODUCTION This assignment will cover the main areas of the computer architecture. I will analysis and compare those system for present technology. How this technologies used to developed the hures company and there services. Normally I identified the two major system used by hures. Those are mainframe computer and client/server system. Mainframe computer, this type of computer how to help the particular company , what is the main usage of this structure, how it will affect the system compare to the new system and disadvantage of that architecture. Then the client server architecture is most famous method for the large companies. How easier and more efficient to manage inventory and track the software. Analysis the advantage and disadvantage and implement the new architecture for cover the current client server system. Hures will suggest using the intranet technology. I will analysis that technology how to help the particular system and how that will effect the system. Also how the intranet software affect the client server system. I identify the problems and I will propose the new architecture instant of client server structure. 1.0. Problem identification There are no unique behaviors to this specific problem because the Hures Company was run past twenty years. Now also it is running but the system is same what ever they have used before like mainframe computer and client server system. The new technology is introducing time to time but that particular company was not change according to that advanced of technology. According to their customer amount there service want be increase but Hures used the old same server system that will get outdated and those are not reorganized and improved with the time period of technology. Here some problem to using main frame computer. 2.0. Main Frame Computer This type of computer normally used by large organizations for there business purpose. Mainframe computer have the capability to run the several operating systems thats mean central processing units performing instruction at the same time this called parallel processing. There are very high volumes of input and output and emphasize throughput to hold the mainframe computers. Also mainframe has carrying out reliability for fault tolerant. 2.1. Classifies of main frame computer system having 1 to 16 CPUS the lie RAM memory range is 128Mb to 8Gb processing power range is 80Mips to 550Mips it contain different types of cabinets such as Storage, input/output and random access memory It has different process for different program such as task supervision, plan management, entertainment in installments, index, and inter address break and statements. 2.2. Advantage of the Mainframe computer the biggest information processing system critical or difficult applications because of multi users its stored enormous amount of data thats mean very big capacity high speed data processing Ex-1GOPS (giga operation per second) this is a characteristic operating system and technology distribution time It will do millions of data and concurrent communication serving thousand of simultaneous users this system normally based on UNIX and Linux operating system 2.3. Disadvantage of main frame computers The whole system needs a large space for the storage capacity and large cabinets that addressed the central processing unit thats mean cryptographic maintain, I/O handling, Memory handling and supervising. The market prize is very expensive compare than other systems. the users using the interface is still text it will work extraordinarily extensive the power utilization is very huge There for hures company faced the problem with main computer because that are very large and it need very big space. Also the maintenance cost is very high and it will generate the lots of heat then the property will getting damaged. 3.0. Client Server System This is sharing application design. This sharing is taking placed between the servers and client thats mean service providers and service requesters. Those are separate hardware rather than computer network. Server is a high routine host and it will run one or more programs in a particular machine, share the resources with clients. But client not share any resources with server but it can be request the resource form sever. Systems are created by assembling independent components, each of which contributes unique, specialized functions to the system as a whole. In the simplest arrangement, client components interact with users and with servers that manage various computing resources. In more sophisticated arrangements, some servers can also be clients of other servers. Clients and servers can use hardware and software uniquely suited to the required functions. In particular, front-end and back-end systems normally require computing resources that differ in type and power. Database management systems can employ hardware specifically designed for queries, while graphics functions can employ memory and computing resources that can generate and display intricate diagrams. [John Dryden, 1998] According to the above statement it said the client sent request the service to the server and server will accept and sent the service response to the client. This processing method is called client server system. 3.0.1. Sample Diagram Of client server system Client server system has three type of model such as 3.0.2. Single /One tire architecture This technology mean by the server will access by user at one time for some particular software application such as to use data, business logic and interface. 3.0.3. Double / Two tire architecture The server will access by client with the help of two layer software application. It has two type application front end this is work together with client, back end- functions are used to store data. The advantages are function development speed, it will well on work on standardize environment reasonably business law, and system security is very difficult on this model. 3.0.4. N/Multi/Three tire architecture The server will access by client with the help of three layers software application such as front end, component, back end. In this model, between the client and server another tire is used its called middleware. This tire function is the transaction processing, massage or application servers also it will manage the queuing, application implementation and database performance. 3.1. Properties of Client Server System Server made a decision what is the client need according to there request and where is stored. independent stage for hardware and operating system location of the server and client will see-through to he users It will work interchange function such client become a server, server become the client. this system has a scalability such as horizontally and vertically 3.2. Type of client server communications socket is this fully support to the unix to unix communication Remote produce cell is client will directly call the distance server Massage oriented middleware 3.3. Advantage and disadvantage of client server system. 3.3.1. Advantage Server is centralization like every thing control by server Scalability, whatever customer need in future sever can upgrade that application. Flexibility, upgrade the new technology Interoperability, client, server and network are work together. Accessibility, the remote and cross multiple access to the server development is easy low cost maintenance compare than mainframe user friendly, every thing Is operate ever easy 3.3.2. Disadvantage Dependability, the server wick damage or down the hole system will down. Lack of mature tools , according to the change of new technology the tools also will change lack of scalability, operating system of the network is not scalable. higher projected cost Network congestion due to the heavy loaded server by traffic. According to the hures client server system there some problem, within the hures infrastructure the range of network and size are not enough to their better services. Also need some additional services such email server and multiple servers to multiple-le applications. Also change the server OS and improve the network connectivity, data transfers and general understanding of the both workstation system. 4.0. Alternative system for client server system The best way is to be selecting the n tire system that is help to implement the hures service. In this manner the system will change their OS and increasing the services to client. Also develop to using peer to peer system to allow more users to share access to database application. This type of connection will improve the scalability of the network and improve the software development. The N tire architecture is face for upgrading system without chaining the back end front end application. In this manner the new technology is introduce such as component based development. This system has some advantage such as according to the customer time to time requirements it is easy to upgrade, created one component will reused for similar application and the creator can using build in interfaces. According that the hures need more customers with better service then the hures server is going to be upgraded such as change the OS system and introduced the new network connection technology like WiMAX, high speed LAN. Change of OS mean by called to reuse the components again with some standards such as Common Object request Broker Architecture Remote Method Invocation The different programming languages are allowed to communicate the both CORBA and RMI standards. 4.1. CORBA Any of the networks the computer application will communicate to work with independent. The standard protocol IIOP is used. This is an inbuilt functionality and fixed system. This will handle large number of clients and more reliability. Also this is real time system and used for large application. It is normally working in the three layers such as presentation, application and Data layers. corba using some protocol such as internet intra object request broker protocol, square socket layer inter object request broker protocol and hyper text intra object request broker protocol. Benefits of CORBA are Language liberty several languages like C++ and java. Portable for any of the operating system such as java, linx, unix, mac, windows and sun. Compatible for all new technology and liberty of data transfer, it will help to multi application process. The architecture of the CORBA Above the diagram describes the structure of CORBA. This is system will help to save the bandwidth and has a three interface such as operation, attribution and exception. There two new versions have been introduced in the market. Which are CORBA version 2.0 and CORBA version 3. Therefore the proposed system was very helpful to improve hures business such a way of improve the technology, quality and supply the multiple services. 5.0. Internet web technology This the internal network of the particular company. This is a protected logons to access information. Many companies like hures, only the employees and management to operate the company essential information using protected site. It was designed a simple programming like HTML, java and cascading style sheet. In this manner inside the company network severs will provided array type of connection to the different saved database. This technology is very helpful for the business development because low cost and saved time. 5.1. Planning and creation of intranet web technology This is a strategic significance of the particular company success on development and achievement. Also hardware and software are help to improve the planning like principle and objective of the intranet the management and realization responsible for who what to make like person or division data construction, role strategy and page layouts Defining the intranet security Controlled the input new data or update the exiting data 5.2. Characteristic of intranet technology Intranet idea and technologies are same as internet. The protocols are same as internet protocols such as HTTP, SMTP and FTP. Main interfaces to inheritance data system hosting corporate information. Intranet has some characteristic This is a better understood as a personal extension of the internet limited to a company This also differenced with extranets. Because intranet only used for employees and customers in inside the company. But extranet may access with clients, contractors and other accepted party. With the help of firewall intranet may provide the gateway to the internet on a network. After some user verification and encryption, the off-site employees can access the company information using virtual private network connectivity. 5.3. How it is use full for an organization It is used as commercial civilization-transform platforms. Discus the key issues, idea about management, productivity, quality and all other issues to the large no employees of that particular company. It is used to distribute the tools and application. It is manage by human resources or CIO departments of the company. It is very complex interface compare to the company public internet. 5.4. Benefits of intranet system Labor force efficiency mean by user can find the information about their roles and duties. Time mean by whatever employee will need they will put in the site. Communication means by to communicate planned proposal that have a global reach throughout the company. Business operation and management mean by developing and planning the application to carry the business. Cost Effective mean by the reduced the coast rather than send the doc by post. Put all necessary documents on the intranet. Promote common corporate culture mean by all clients can see same information. Enhance team work. Immediate updates. 5.6. Intranet strategies The company objectives will achieve to help of hardware and software system. This is a same concept as internet to browse the web and severs and restricted for the particular company. To consult parties who going to be use the intranet system according to their budgeting. According the application it has four types of role. 5.6.1. The role of the intranet system communication and teamwork mean by audio video conferencing, conversation and chat rooms and to operate the email transfers web publishing mean by create the hyperlinked multimedia application and data documents to publish business process and administration mean by processing, controlling and accessing intranet portal management mean by control everything by particular administration 5.7. The pros and cons of the intranet system. 5.7.1. Pros Reduce the cost in this manner company will inform the necessary thing to employees and other, upload in the portal rather than paper printing. Also reduce the sales and promotion, employee preparation and organization costs. Simple to use Economical to use. Reasonable hardware and software system cost The all protocol are support to operate because if internet like TCP/IP, HTML and FTP. Easy to access the Communication and operating intranet system. 5.7.2. Cons According to the rapid technology this not support to the upgrading software. Insufficient security facilities User support and system performance is very poor. The scalability is not effectively. Time consuming. No PC compatibility for all employees This not fully support to the developing organization. 6.0. Effect of intranet web technology over the client server system Intranet technology is an open network system. There no good network security system mean by not protected your company network system. The monitoring and controlling is very difficult because of access on outside sources. Consider the intranet usage in a particular company, if there large number of employees are working in that time everybody to be operate the intranet system. In this time the system was faced some problem such as If user using like that the particular server will get the heavy loaded because all user can request the service from server at the same time then server will able to answer the all request for certain time. Then it will overload. This happen will effect to outside service customer to that particular company. The server must manage to handle that situation by expanding the sever capacity and upgrade the new technology. Like upgrade the OS system. At the same time the server will take time to provide the service for those particular requests. It is normally called server response delay. This will affect the company services to outside. When the server is loaded then the there is the change to hardware crash of that particular system. Such as the hard disk and RAM memory will failure. User will plug their external interfaces to upload the threats/virus. Then is going to be shutdown your whole network system. Its called server down. When all users using at the same time that particular network will get the collision because of traffic. Then outside customer will get the service will receive in delay. The solution of this problem is the company will make sure the monitoring and secure the system. Using CCTV in various places inside the company and monitoring the users and give the priority usage. Then they can maintain the reliability of the company network. II. Conclusion By doing this Assignment I came to understand the Client Server Architecture subject more clearly and got a good experience. I described the client server system to that operational specification, implementation and bad effects. I think those information are very help full for the basic understand of client server system. Also I suggest the alternative system and explain how it will help to work with older system. i thick the hures company will upgrade the system, network connection and turn-into new technology it is very help full for the feature business approach. They reach the more customers and get more profit. III. Reference 1. [John Dryden. 1998] High -Performance client/server, John wiley son, chapter 2 p 29. 2. Retrieved: February 07, 2010 3. Retrieved: February 07, 2010 v 4. Retrieved: February 07, 2010 5. Retrived: Februar07, 2010

Saturday, January 18, 2020

The Importance of Drug Testing in Workplaces

As widespread drug use is on the rise, many employers have begun to worry about the performance of their employees. Absenteeism, injuries, loss of productivity, employee morale, theft and fatalities are just some of the causes of drug use in the workplace. The idea of drug testing among workers has developed from society's concern over a perceived increase in the use of drugs and the relation between drug use and impairment, with resultant risks to the worker, fellow workers and the public. As early as 1987, 21% of employers had instituted drug-testing programs. Employers have begun to think that mass drug tests are the answer to their problems. What many of these employers don't know is that there are many problems that surround drug testing at work. One of the biggest of these problems is whether or not it is constitutional to conduct drug tests on the employees. Employers fail to educate themselves with established or recent laws about drug testing in the workplace and about human rights. Also, mass, low-cost screening tests may not be reliable or valid. Alcohol testing does not differentiate casual drinking from alcohol dependence or alcoholism. Drug tests can create an untrustworthy environment for the employees. There are better ways to address substance abuse. Drug testing in the workplace is an important issue for all of Canada's labour force, regardless if it's you're first job or if you've had a steady job for 30 years. Many employees, who have had to subjugate themselves to degrading and demeaning drug tests, feel that these tests violate their constitutional rights. It is an infringement on their privacy. In order for the tests to make sure there is no specimen tampering there must be an administrator present to oversee every action the employee makes during their drug test. For tests such as hair and breath testing this does present a major problem, but for urine tests men and women alike are disturbed by the direct observation of their urine collection. Unfortunately, the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms applies only to the laws and actions of the federal and provincial governments and their agencies. It does not apply to the policies and actions of private employers. The Charter therefore does not protect private sector employees from unreasonable drug testing. It is necessary to state that currently an employer can terminate an employee's job if the employee has been using illegal drugs and alcohol, but only if such use is not considered a disability. Alcohol or drug addiction can be viewed as a physical and/or mental disability. In Ontario, the Ontario Human Rights, Citizenship, and Multiculturalism Act prohibit employment discrimination based on disability. Employers have a responsibility to accommodate employees who are disabled. Drug testing has not been proven to be against the Canadian Human Rights Commission. In order to institute a drug testing policy into a company which complies with human rights legislation, an employer must be able to demonstrate that the testing is related to job performance, and not just substance abuse. † Many employees feel that drug testing is a way of discriminating against people who might have a drug and/or alcohol disability. An example of such discrimination is found in Entrop v. Imperial Oil Ltd. The Ontario Board of Inquiry found that Imperial Oil Limited discriminated against Martin Entrop, a senior operator at the Sarnia Refinery, because of a disability. The Board of Inquiry found that â€Å"under a new Alcohol and Drug Policy introduce in 1992, Imperial Oil employees in â€Å"safety-sensitive† positions were required to notify management if they currently had or had previously had a substance abuse problem. † After Mr. Entrop heard that this policy was coming into effect he informed his employer that he had had an alcohol problem about ten years earlier, that he had attended Alcoholics Anonymous, and that he had abstained from using alcohol since 1984. Mr. Entrop had been an employee for seventeen years and he had had no problems at work that were related to substance abuse, but Imperial Oil's policy required that Mr. Entrop be immediately removed form his current position. This example clearly shows that it is discriminatory to terminate a person's job because of a past or present disability and that there are constitutional matters involved with drug testing in the workplace. The lab procedure is a second invasion of privacy. Urinalysis reveals not only the presence of illegal drugs, but also the existence of many other physical and medical conditions including pregnancy. Drug testing is an invasion of privacy that is to be abhorred and it is clearly against our constitutional rights. Drug testing is designed to detect and punish conduct that is usually engaged in off-duty and off employer's premises, in other words, in private. There is much confusion about the accuracy of drug tests. In fact claims of billions of dollars lost in employee productivity are based on guesswork, not real evidence. Urine tests cannot test for drugs directly. They test for traces of substances taken before the test which are no longer active in your system but can still be detected. The most accurate methods of urine analysis are time-consuming and expensive, and even then can be wrong at least 10% of the time. Even though these drug tests are the most accurate, more often then not employers opt for a less accurate drug test because the more accurate ones are too much of an expense for the company. These cheaper drug tests often have an error rate of 30%, which means that 30% of all people that take these drugs tests are falsely accused and may be fired from their jobs. Also, traces of legal medicines, such as cough syrups, nasal sprays and eardrops can be confused with those of illegal drugs. Even the poppy seeds found in baked goods can produce a positive result for heroin. Furthermore, drug tests are not work-related because they do not measure impairment that occurs during work hours. A positive drug test only shows that a drug was taken at some time in the past. Also, the drug test does not distinguish between occasional and habitual use, the same is also true with alcohol testing. Another reason that drug testing isn't very reliable is the fact that drug testing does not even detect all drug users. This is true because most stronger drugs such as cocaine do not last in the user's blood stream as long as someone who has used marijuana for example. This means that the weekend user of cocaine is much more likely than the weekend user of marijuana to pass a weekday drug test. Also drug tests may not reveal very recent drug use. For example, a worker who does not smoke marijuana regularly decides to smoke marijuana in the middle of the work day, a drug test may come back negative because mot enough time has passed for drug metabolites to appear in the urine. With all these factors working against the accuracy of drug tests, not to mention the occasional error of the people who process the specimens at the lab and the false-negatives that occur when an employee deliberately decides to sabotage a drug test, it is hardly worth it for an employer to go through with the trouble of a drug tests when the true drug users, the ones that are harmful to the company, are not pointed out anyways. There are better ways to address substance abuse in the workplace then to rely on the very unreliable method of drug and alcohol testing. These ways are more cost-effective, time-effective and have a much better impact in the workplace; also they do not raise the same privacy issues that drug tests do. An effective alternative to drug testing is to train supervisors to confront, and refer impaired employees to Employee Assistance Programs or other intervention programs. This strategy leads to increased employee acceptance of treatment and a subsequent improvement in overall job performance.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Civil War Essay

A nation in four decades had been multiplied several times its territory, purchase of Louisiana to France, Florida to Spain, the annexation of Texas and the subsequent war with Mexico (1846-1848) ambient. The political states of north and south had been mounded by the interest of the second in their plantations and the conservation of slavery, while the firs inclined towards trade; shipping and financial interests on one side were the debtor farmers, and other creditors’ capitalists. After independence, the first were represented by Democrat Thomas Jefferson and the last by the Federalists under Alexander Hamilton. The congress in Philadelphia in 1787 was the problems faced by the new state, debt, inter-state trade conflicts, war with Mexico, who snatched the Aztec country half of its territory, got to the United States, territories of California and New Mexico social. The civil war was in the United States of America. Eleven Southern slave states declared their secession from the United States and formed the Confederate States of America, also known as â€Å"the Confederacy. † Led by Jefferson Davis, the Confederacy fought against the United States (the Union), which was supported by all the free states (where slavery had been abolished) and by five slave states that became known as the border states. The fireman in Bradbury’s world began their version of the fireman job â€Å"around about a thing called the civil war† (54). Captain Beatty, the main antagonist of Fahrenheit 451, and captain of the fire brigade that Guy Montag works for, reasons that the decline of people’s interest in books came about because of photographs which came about during the civil war. the allusion is to the American war of secession from 1861-1865, which is the only civil war of American history. In it, the Northern States were able to defeat the South and to proclaim the abolition of slavery in 1863;

Thursday, January 2, 2020

In The Journal, Teaching Math To Young Children, It Stated

In the journal, Teaching Math to Young Children, it stated 5 recommendations on teaching preschoolers and Kindergarteners math. The journal went in depth on each recommendation. In recommendation 4 it describes ways of teaching early learners how to view and describe their world mathematically. Three main points they noted were that teacher’s should intertwine math ideas to familiar experiences, introduce math vocabulary while linking familiar meanings with math terms, and using open- ended questions to assist children in applying their understanding on math. What is the purpose of teachers intertwining math ideas to familiar experiences, terms, or analogies? When a child’s age ranges from 3 to 6 they most likely will not have a good†¦show more content†¦An example is the words â€Å"more† and â€Å"fewer† can be used in many different topics and scenarios than just math related topics and activities. So an educator can use this to their advantage when teaching their students these terms such as during when a child is standing in line she/he can use the terms used in math â€Å"first† and â€Å"last† or by asking questions like â€Å"who in the picture is â€Å"older† and â€Å"younger† while they draw a picture of their family. Some other examples for correlating familiar ideas, vocabulary, and procedures to formal symbols are â€Å"counting† for numerals, +, - for operations, = for equal, and for unequal. Some examples when doing everyday tasks in class are have the children count the number of children in attendance, or have them problem solve involving subtracting and adding with objects such as leaves collected from the playground or any object of choice. Using the everyday classroom tasks to teach math is concepts is key. Third, what is the purpose of using open- ended questions to encourage children to use their knowledge in math? Using open- ended questions help children to use their skills mentally and their language skills. It allows children to think through their own thoughts and actionsShow MoreRelatedCritical Assessment Of Teaching Elementary Students1084 Words   |  5 PagesLiterature Review In today’s education world, there is a glaring lack of effectiveness of teachers in teaching elementary students to be successful when solving word problems. Evidence of a need for improvement in this area is low standardized test scores on these types of problems as well as poor student attitudes toward even attempting these types of problems (Benko, Loaiza, Long, Sacharski, Winkler, 1999). A recent study indicated that today’s assessment of mathematics has progressively becomeRead MoreThe Ramifications of Government Reform on Education Essay1354 Words   |  6 PagesAmerica currently ranks 36th in the world in regards to education. This encompasses reading, math, and science. 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Whereas, Early Childhood Teaching Certification focuses on attention to social and emotional development, conceptual development, and vocabulary and linguistic concepts (National Association of Early Childhood Teacher Educators,Read MoreCritically Discuss the Role of the Core Curriculum Subjects in Developing Children‚Äà ´s Learning in Key Stage One. as Part of This Discussion Critically Consider the Relationship Between Learning Approaches Within the Core4036 Wor ds   |  17 Pagesdiscussion critically consider the relationship between learning approaches within the core subjects and individual learning needs in these subjects for children. 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Although many different reasons are the cause of this, the main problem is simple: school systems are failing. Not only do schools steal away a young person’s creativity, but they also have a scarcity of motivation, causing students to become bored, opt out on assignments, fail classes, drop out, among other things. Are education systems the prime reason people aren’t getting an education, and thereforeRead MoreThe Positive Of Using The Internet1406 Words   |  6 Pagespositive of using the Internet Introduction: Today, the internet is going to be a larger part of our lives .There are many people who like to use the internet every day .There isn’t a specific age to use the internet, users range started from children to older people. Using the internet is going to be important in the future. Using the internet can be understood pretty well because it is very convenient. Users just push the Start button and search for the necessary information in Google rather